Friday, September 25, 2009

Ahhhhh, babies.

Well she's here. If you haven't heard, she's fantastic.
Elvis Glo Danger Daly. Named partly after my Grandmother, whom I love so much.
Danger was a name we had picked out when I was pregnant with Quattro. If it was a girl we were going to name her Daisy Danger, then when I got pregnant this time, everyone was naming their dogs Daisy- so that was out. I like the name Elvis. In fact, I love it for her. She is Elvis, she looks like an Elvis.
We aren't ragging fans, we don't have Elvis coasters and there's no Elvis clocks in our house. I mean, we have the records, we are fans like nay other warm blooded person, but we didn't name our daughter Elvis because we are freaks- you know them, hell you probably have an aunt that is obsessed with him. Alas, we just like the name. It fits her and really, could we name our daughter Jane?
I don't think so.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My girl

Elvis Glo Danger Daly
8 lbs. 10 oz
Born 8:16 a.m.

Monday, August 31, 2009

8 days...

This is too much.
We did a photo shoot with our friend Brian last week. It was a blast and I am so happy with the way they turned out. I can't help it, I make a pretty good looking pregnant gal. None of that sweat pant, bun on top of my head. It just couldn't be, I have to match my outsides with my insides and honestly with 8 days to go I feel completely rockin'.

Monday, August 10, 2009


It's all set. Now all she has to do is not pull the plug on the pregnant party and stay put.
I go in at 8 a.m. in exactly 30 days and I will be the mother of two by 10:30 a.m.
It's weird to know when it will all go down, well if it does in fact all go down on the 9th.
I'm fine if it doesn't but I don't want her to come early. I like my babies big and fat and 40 weeks.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

NST's anyone?

It's a "non stress test" and I am getting my fill of them.
I have to go twice a week, I am guessing because of the medication I was on- the lasiks (no not the eye surgery lasiks) but the diuretic. Well I'm not taking it anymore and they are still making me go. Boo.
I went back last week and got another steroid shot in my wrist. Wow. That's painful. But if anyone is reading this who has carpal tunnel pain due to pregnancy- go get the injection. It will change your life.
I was at a CPR class tonight (with Q as my partner- rad) and there were two women wearing those wrist splints, I felt their pain and promptly told them to go get a "fix". It's a quick fix, not a pain free one though- those injections are no joke. The needle is long and skinny and goes in your wrist, towards your palm and pokes you in a nerve- fills up with cortizone and then you are done. Except then there's the achy feeling for about 24 hours... then you're done but for only three months. It wears off and if you are still pregnant after the shot wears off, you go back for more- so that's what I did. But here I am, typing again. Carpal tunnel pain is no joke, it is life altering.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is rough.

I'm not much of a complainer. I mean, I am- well to those that I'm close to but I feel like I am drowning here.
It is so hot, Eddie is gone for 2 more weeks, I have a baby looming and I'm trying to keep up with my 8 year old.
Man, I am struggling a little bit.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Crab, cocktail sauce and chocolate milk.

Ya, I said it-
that's what's for dinner.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Relaxing is over

Time to get to work.
We spent the better part of our evening getting her room ready. Eddie sanded the crib and I said good bye to some lovely shoes. We felt it necessary for some of them to go- you know, so Elvis will have a place to call her own.
It's crazy the enormous amount of shoes I have, I mean really. Getting ready for this baby, I don't know if it's the hormones or what but I'm even looking at them thinking "what the hell was I thinking?". I have WAY too many shoes... alright, there's no such thing as too many but seriously I have a problem. A problem that seems to be checking itself during this pregnancy. I am being ruthless, just chucking stuff left and right. If I don't use it or need it- it's out. We have a big house but there's no room for extra stuff now that we are moving in the fourth human, along with our two dogs, two cats and walking sticks. It's just common sense I think to get rid of some things. Will I regret getting rid of anything after the birth? Probably not. I'm not big on regret. I try to teach Q to get rid of things he doesn't need or use- I try to teach him that we don't "love" things, they're just things... he's getting there. But it's true, things are just things... if I had to grab anything from my house besides my people and animals- I can't imagine what I would take... my hard drive? Or maybe my wedding video, yeah, I'd grab that. It's only three minutes long but it's hilarious.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm tired.
I'm really tired.
Last two nights I've felt a little bit fluish, contractions are starting to bother me too.
I am hoping I just need to take it easy and I will get back some energy soon. This last month has really been amazing, so I think I will take a day and just relax.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yikes. I remember this, it's all rushing back to me now. Like a flow of hot magma, searing through my chest and percolating up my throat. I'd kill a drifter to get my hands on a stack of Tums but it's late and the hotel has nothing. I'd send Eddie out searching but I am some sort of masochist tonight. I suffer for his relaxation.
I weighed myself in Manchester yesterday in a pharmacy. It spit out a slip with the wight printed on it, I was a bit relieved the machine didn't shout out the number but I am pretty proud of my weight- after all I am having a baby, not laying an egg. So I am looking at the paper and it has my weight in stones. It was awesome, you hear "stones" in movies and things but I never really knew they used the term. Well, they use it lightly because I asked the pharmacist how many pounds was in a stone and he didn't really know. Then again at the cafe, I asked the waitress and she didn't seem quite sure either. Anyway, I have gained a whopping 3 lbs on this trip. I was SHOCKED!! That's it?! I have been eating the best stuff they've got out here and everything comes with bread- it has been delicious and I just really thought I would have gained a cool 10 lbs. So I guess all the stairs I have been taking are doing their thing. My shirts are getting shorter but my pants still fit. Which is good, the shopping is great over here but it is so damn expensive. I have to think about that baby I will need to clothe in a few short months. She, on the other hand has picked up quite a collection of European duds. Hey, I have to splurge. I never wanted to go to school wearing the same thing as everyone else. Since I was young, so I am hoping to pass on the family tradition.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Less than 3 months now

It is hard to travel when you are looking down the ass end of 6 months pregnant, but I am not complaining... not too much anyway.
The braxton hicks are starting to get a little tighter than before. I remember all of this from before but it is a little nerve racking when you are out of the country. Not that I am staying up nights (for that reason) but I'm being careful, cautious. I have been trying to drink a ton of water but for some reason I have been craving coffee.
28 weeks this week, it is hard to believe I have less than 3 months. I am looking forward to the end of this but at the same time, I'm nervous. About the usual stuff I guess. The late nights, early mornings, diapers and constant feedings... sounds a little like being on tour...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Could it be?

That my clothes are shrinking?
Seems as though they are... hmmm, what to do, what to do.
I guess it's that time in the tour to start shopping?


Someone sent me the news that there are some real class acts on the bands message board talking their usual shit about a choice in baby name. I thought I should write on there and tell them all to suck it but I think I'll just say this to all that think they know what Eddie and I should name our next child... oh wait, never mind. I don't care. Go ahead and suck it.

Swollen feet that I can't shake

It's been a few days since we've been off the plan and still my feet are HUGE! I don' t know what else to do. I walk, I rub, I'm on diuretics... it just doesn't seem to help.
I brought this heart monitor that I bought from Target and it kicks ass. It's by Summer or something like that and it really works. I get to listen to Elvis everyday which is really a relief for me. I wonder, I worry and it is nice to hear that speedy drum beat whenever the mood strikes. Like this morning, the boys were asleep and I laid on the bed and listened to her swirl around and kick me- then my stomach started to growl and man is it loud on those things! So I woke up said boys and we went down to the lobby to eat. Buffets in Europe are a whole lot better than the ones in the states. We book htls based on the "free breakfast" because 9 times out of 10 it will be better than breakfast in a restaurant or similar, but cheaper and who doesn't like cheaper? esp. when you are paying these gas prices- 1.40 euros for a liter today.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Freak show.

Quattro saw these women starring at me today and he asked why they were pointing.
I wanted to say "because they are bitches", but I refrained. I mean really people. Pointing?
I don't get it, and neither did he. I told him I didn't know what the big deal was, it wasn't like anyone there was hatched from an egg. He thought that was funny.
But it got me thinking. Because I don't cover up, like wear the damn mumu's that come to mid- thigh (which, let's face it, do NOTHING for your legs except make them look short), am I asking to be pointed at? Or is it just me that makes people want to point? Either way, I really like my pregnant body and I feel I'm lucky because I could hate it, be miserable and buy those ugly mumu's.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm certain my ribs are going to be protruding through my skin in the morning. Definitely tomorrow I will wake up to this horror of horrors.
Whether I am sitting down, standing up or laying down- I feel as though a dull butcher knife is making it's way through my chest, in between two ribs, twisting and turning... turning and twisting. Ugh.
But it's not all bad. I have been making some discoveries these past few nights. If I shine a flashlight onto my belly Elvis will turn around. I'm assuming to look at the light... or she could be flipping me the bird and turning her back to it. Either way, it's entertaining. Something's gotta give, my nights are boring. Quattro's asleep, the dogs and cats are asleep and Eddie is somewhere in the midwest. I remember at the end of my pregnancy with Q, we bought all the board games you could play with two people (and a few that needed more players... learning curve) and we'd sit up all night and play. Eddie would of course want to go to sleep but he didn't (mostly) and that is why I kept him around.
I miss him. This sucks, touring is hard all the time but when you are pregnant it is especially tough. Too much alone time when you are on a hormonal rollercoaster (who me?) is dangerous. I bet Eddie has some real hilarious stories of me losing my shit over the last 6 months. He'll wait until the coast is clear (when the kids are grown) before he shares them, with me, of course, but I bet they are good. I laugh at myself sometimes thinking back at my ridiculous outbursts. It is like being abducted by aliens, suddenly rational isn't necessary or even considered. 
What am I talking about? I think I just "outed" myself.
Yes, it's true. I'm human. I mean, I'm better than most but human no less.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

26 weeks

Saw the doctor today. It is the last time I will see her in Ballard. It is bittersweet- she is moving out of the hood (which makes appointments very convenient) but she is going to a better hospital, so that is what's important.
The hospital is about 4 miles from here but we're in the city so it'll probably take me 15-20 minutes in traffic. That blows, esp. when I'm going there every week, but I really like this doctor. She's worth following.
Elvis is moving around a bunch but I can tell she is getting strapped for room. She is measuring 31 weeks now, so she is right on track- but right on track means she is 5 weeks ahead of the game. Her measurements have her already in the 90th percentile, Q was born in the 100th, meaning with the percentage of babies born, he was as big they usually get. I say usually because homegirl could out do him, not that I'm too excited about that but she'll be as big as she should be and I'll muscle up and take it.
We are scheduled to have a C section around the 9th of September but we are going to play it cool and see what happens. I am good either way, as long as my doctor thinks she's safe. I don't want them to take her early, so that is the only line I draw- that and if she is still measuring off the god damn charts, I am all ready for my new scar. Beats visiting your new born in the NICU for the first 24 hours- or worse, longer. I don't want to have her go through any stress that Q went through- after all, she's a lady.
We are all really excited about her arrival but I tell ya, we really are looking forward to this summer. We all know how lucky we are and just want to go out there and eat it all up. I can't wait to get over there, in the rental car and start the journey. .. until then, we must finish up school.
Q is ending his 2nd grade year. He has had a great time, learned so much with his amazing teacher. I am SO bummed his time with her is over. She was the only one that ever felt even the least bit of a tug when I took him out of class for a trip. I feel like he is a true citizen of the world and I would like to keep it that way, but with her, I felt he might miss something special. Not that it stopped me. Being around his Dad any time he can is better than everything else, so the guilt wasn't too deep, but she is really something.
I have been feeling really tired lately. My anemia is getting me down a little. The pills are harsh but in a couple of weeks I should notice a difference. My nights aren't met with too much sleep, lots of getting up, tossing about, so dragging ass is how I spend my days. I cover it up with cute dresses, lip gloss and running a brush through my hair. It is amazing how much less like shit you feel when you glance at your reflection and it doesn't look more tired than you actually are. My hands and feet are swollen, I feel like this time it's here to stay. Mind over matter. I have 2 long flights ahead of me where Eddie will no doubt be rubbing my feet and ringing the call button for more ice- but we can manage. When I was pregnant with Q I flew to Paris, nonstop when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant, alone. It was rough- they ran out of meals on that flight... wow, that seems like so long ago. How did I not kill someone? Mind over matter.
Speaking of which. I will now shut this bad boy down and retire to my couch with a book and a cup of green tea- which will no doubt lead to a bowl of hemp granola, it's like a must.

Monday, June 1, 2009

On the road...

I wanted to say, real quick, that I will be keeping a road blog on our upcoming holiday. I'll post the link here, so if you are interested...

Week 25.

I'm a little shocked it has been so long since I've blogged. I guess things started to go good, or did they just get extremely busy? I can't say- either way, I feel great.
I am, apparently, "huge", as was said to me from a mother at school. I took it in stride until I got in the car and started to think of how lame that was. I mean, there's a purpose that we are all aware of. I know she wasn't calling me a fat ass- but really "huge"? I don't think so. I don't feel huge, I do have a rather large belly but it takes a lot of room to grow the quality type I've got going on. There are no puny Daly babies.
But I was bothered. It would be like me seeing her and saying "man, you look old". Is it okay to call me huge cause it will go away and I can't call her old because it won't?
I've been asked if I was having twins- when I was like 3 months pregnant. The chick was being dramatic because I was already showing... well I told her to suck it. I am super proud to sport this bum and even though those bitches got under my skin, it doesn't mean I really take it to heart but I do wish there was a witty, snappy response. I just say "thanks. I think." And to the twin comment, I said "octuplets"

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Half way.

20 weeks down and I am getting nervous.
I feel like I'm on the roller coaster. I've made the slow, shaky climb to the top and now I'm looking at the drop. Yep, I'd say that's a pretty good analogy of how I feel right now and it's kinda freaking me out.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

WTF was that?

For the last month and a half, I have been suffering. Most of you know that I have finally received steroid injections into my wrists, that have now given me back my life.
I am so thankful, however irritated that it took them (all 6 doctors I saw over the last month and a half) so long. I am just glad to be here- fat and happy.
I have now entered into the "zone". I am 20 weeks this coming week, which blows my mind. I can hardly believe it. If it weren't for my stomach growing by the second, I'd swear I have 7 or 8 months left. 
This time has flown by, now that my misery is over, I look back and it is such a blur. I don't even feel the need to go through how bad it got, it was so bad. I can take a lot, I am not a pussy- but I felt very close to my breaking point a few times over the last 6 weeks... I'm glad to be done with it.
Today we got a last minute call from some friends, so Q and I scrapped our dinner plans (cereal) and headed over to an impromptu  BBQ. It was nice to get out and socialize a little- hard without Eddie though. I feel like the longer he is gone the less I want to do without him. I am really getting sick of this Europe business. He has been there 10 out of the last 12 weeks and I am just over it. Although I do hope he is having fun, enjoying his career and all the fantastic things he gets to do.
I'm going to sign off. This wasn't very "baby bloggy" but that's only because this girl is really tired.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

What's this???

Normalcy? Is this how I used to feel? Before my first trimester of ick... I think so. 
I spent the last week in bed. Literally. I was laying there in the dark, suffering. Until today, I hadn't left the house since last Tuesday afternoon. How crazy, must be the longest I have ever gone without leaving.
So it was bad. I had migraines, then I felt sick, then I had another migraine, then I'd feel sick. Then like magic, this morning I woke up feeling like myself. I am feeling really fortunate that Eddie was home to be "me" for the week. He got Q to school on time, homework done and I am pretty sure they ate at least three times a day, so life is good.
My belly is still on the move. I am currently measuring 38", which is a cool 6" bigger than it used to be. That's pretty exciting. Q loves to touch my stomach and he will stare at it when he is talking about me, which I find sweet, but also reminiscent of when guys stare at your chest. HA! I'm kidding. It's really cute.
We are talking names now, we have some dialed in to being almost for sure. Except last night I thought of a new one, which makes it fun but hard because naming a child is one of the best parts, I think. With Q, we knew what we'd name if it were a boy, so our creative search was only half of what it is this time. It's really exciting, I can't wait to tell everyone. I can't wait to find out the sex!! Man, it's coming soon too. We can find out as early as two weeks from now, but most likely it will be 4. I can wait though, I have a lot of work to do.
We picked a color for the room. It's called 'Lilac Tan'. I want to paint and all of that before I know whether it is a boy or a girl, so the room isn't too gender specific. I really hate the 'blue is for boys and pink is for girls' thing. Although, Q's favorite color is pink, so I'm doing pretty well. The color is sweet and looks like a baby's room. I want it to be earthy and clean, I think that is what we found.
So until next time...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dr. White

More like Dr. Awesome.
Last week I finally had my first appointment. She was fabulous. As soon as she walked in and said "I remember you" I was sold. I mean, after 9 years! It was pretty cool that someone I may have met once or twice totally remembered me. I don't exactly remember her but she does seem familiar. She reminds me of my Mom.
So the visit was great. She just took my weight (ugh!) and got my medical history and all of that. Then said she was going to try and listen to the heartbeat, but prefaced it with "I haven't heard a first trimester heartbeat all week" and then POOF, as soon as she touched the doppler on my belly, there it was. It was magic.
I decided to do the genetic testing. It was a little nerve racking, just to know what information they could bring back to you, so I spent the next week with that on the back of my mind. Monday I was relieved to hear that all was looking good. I am due to do another blood test in two weeks to finalize some of the tests- only because now they have this new way of doing it. Where you take a blood test, then the ultra sound, then another blood test. It's more accurate, less false positives, which I am all for.
Eddie is home now. What an insanely long tour that was. We are glad to have him back, Quattro has never been happier to seem him and has been on him like glue only detaching to go to school.
I am still really tired and battling the nerve problems in my hands and arms. I think it is getting better with more exercise and more rest.
Speaking of rest...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

End of an era.

So it is, a little, the end of an era for me. Being a size 7 is going by the "waist"side and I will soon be waddling around like all the rest. 
I have had a somewhat challenging first trimester but nothing compared to the first time. I was much more tired this time around and don't you know people love to point out how I am "much older" than I was with Q. Well, all of these people can suck it really. It is like telling me I am "much fatter" this time around. It has been 9 years since I was pregnant with Q and 8 since I gave birth. I don't feel "much" older, I feel more grown. I am more in tune with my body, I can practically tell when my uterus is making space for the baby. Last time it was vomit- and that was all I remember for the first three months. 
I'm totally cranky. I have the pregnancy bitchiness and you know in your twenties I think you mainly keep that to yourself, or I think I did. I didn't want to be seen as moody or irrational, god forbid unstable. But this time is different, I have no guards up. I am free to be myself. Besides, I can feel it come on like I match. I know exactly what triggers it and so (it seems) do others. Ha ha, no really. Is 32 old now-a-days? What is with that? Again, one of my triggers because I feel young. I feel really fresh and excited, I feel wise yet still wide eyed and not jaded in the least but it seems as though some folks may want me to be? Or is it in my head? Well, it's not anymore... I've come to find in your twenties people (or shall I say, older people) make you feel you are too young for everything. I was told I was too young to get married and too young to have a child. It was as though I was doing all of these things I was "too young" for and now, what's this? too old? I sure don't feel too old, I definitely don't look it. I have very good genes. 
So onto Quattro. He said the sweetest, if not saddest thing, I have ever heard the other day. He said "what if everyone forgets about me?" and then there was a really long pause- from both of us.
Ugh, it is still sad to me. I wasn't exactly caught off guard and however bad I was feeling inside, I was actually glad he asked. I was so relieved, I think. He was comfortable enough with his fear to talk about it. So many grown ups won't talk about their fears- not to mention kids. They usually just act out, right? Or internalize it all, only to open the flood gates when they are much older. It may be one of my most selfish acts but I hope I can be the one my child bounces his fears off of. I hope with Eddie and myself he becomes his true self and not this image of what he thinks he should be. That's important more so than what he wants to do when he grows up, or what kind of grades he gets- if he chooses to go to college or not. 
But that is another blog in itself.
Anyway, back to Q. 
It took me a minute to respond because I was pretty sure I was having one of "those" moments. The one your child reminds you of when they are grown. I wanted to say something that he would remember as being smart, fair even but really I wanted him to know I was honest with him, as he was being with me. 
So I took him back to when I was pregnant with him and how important my life with Eddie was. I told him I traveled constantly, packed a bag on a moments notice and hopped on a plane, how I went to loud rock shows most nights and stayed up late. I told him I was happily in love with my life and I wanted nothing to change, I just wanted to add to it. We just wanted to add to it. Eddie wanted the same as I did. He didn't want to change his ways, he didn't want to cut back on touring (ie, cut back on money), he didn't want to drive a mini van but most of all we didn't want to compromise our spontaneity. That was our bond from the second we met- we eloped, it's in our blood.
Where was I? See this is another "side-effect", I am all over the map. It took me a week to wash, dry, fold and put away ONE load of laundry. My mind is currently on strike.
So that's what I did, I took Quattro back into that time of when my life(style) with Eddie was the most important thing and no matter how much he would add to our lives, we wanted him to fit into it, we didn't want to rearrange it for him. I had a real innate fear of finally appreciating myself and my life as an adult, then suddenly changing because of a baby. I went into it knowing that I wanted to raise my child as myself, not this "parent" person I changed into. And I'm happy (and real f'n proud) that that is our reality. He didn't rearrange our lives, he brought so much more to it but the basics are all the same. The loud rock shows have him sitting there on the side of the stage, with the same headphones he wore when he was an infant. My late nights are sometimes accompanied by him either watching a movie, snacking or sometimes just reading in the same bed together. I still was able to pack him up and fly him across the world, Paris, Australia, Montreal- where ever it was that we needed to catch up with Eddie. And it is still always a need. We need to be together whether it is planned or not. Whether it is something we saved our money up for, or spent half the rent on, we're there. 
I truly believe that regret comes from looking back on the things you didn't do, not so much what you did do. Fortunately I figured that out pretty early on.
Alright, wow, that was totally long winded. 
I am nearing the end of my first trimester and I can't wait to finally meet my doctor!!
I can barely believe they would let a pregnant women go through the worst part all by herself but I guess they figure I am an old pro. It is at the same office I was in with Q, unfortunately not the same OBGYN, but I'll get over that. My doctors name is Dr. White and in my next post I'll tell you all about her. I'll have some news on my edema that has been killing me lately. Waking up with swollen hands and all of that. My BP has been normally low, 92/50 today. Q and I walk down to Bartells quite often to take it, or whenever we are at the market. He has higher BP than I do!
Take care everyone and thanks for reading.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well another week down and I think that I just may be getting the hang of this.
It was a fast week. I kept Q home on Wednesday. He had been fighting a cold for over a week and it seemed that my Mom's intuition was right (again). He was all better on Thursday.
I have taken very little of my alone time to do house work, so I'd say my house is officially a mess. Which I loathe but it's for my own (in)sanity. I am taking every second alone to nap, drink tea and read. I have had knarly migraines that seem to just pop up whenever they want, a cup of hot tea in a dimly lit room seems to help... not help the laundry but that is all secondary right now.
When does Eddie come home again?
I have started cooking, a little. We only ordered out once this past week, which was pretty damn good I think. Q is loving the easy dinners we have been having- whole grain waffles with eggs and bananas has been his favorite. He must have had it three times this week.
Eddie is in Sweden now. We have been iChating a ton, which is free so that is nice. Him and Quattro were on this morning, it is amazing how well Q can type. I think he may be faster than Eddie.
He went out and bought some baby clothes recently. It is hard to wrap my brain around that. I know it is going to happen, I know we are going to have a little baby in this house (again) but it is strange, exciting and all of that.
I read somewhere (what haven't I read?) that having a second child 6+ years after the first is very much like having a baby for the first time. I really feel that way. I feel that I am amazed again, I am concerned and in awe. The differences really freak me out. Like why am I looking pregnant already? I'm just into my 3rd month and I can't button my pants! 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ugh. I'm. So. Sick. Bleh.....

So it's Sunday night and I am really just glad I got through this week.
It was hard.
It started as me being super tired. Eddie left on Monday evening for Europe. He will be gone until the end of February, so that in itself is tough. But Friday morning I woke up with full on morning sickness. Again. I can't explain it, other than I had it, then it was gone and now it's back.
I feel like I am being a lame, no energy to do anything that's much fun. But Q has been delightful.
He has helped keep the living room straightened and has kept his school work very organized. He's just awesome. 
I managed to show up for Art class this week, which was nice. I volunteer in Q's class and all the kids were glad to see me. I hadn't been since before Xmas break. I was glad to be awake that long. I have been taking about 2 or 3 naps a day. It is ridiculous. I never had this extreme fatigue the first time. So I am trying to cope. Which reminds me. I need to go to bed. Ha ha.
So I am what 8 or 9 weeks now? I'm hanging in there. 
Good night.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Just so you know, this reads from the bottom up. So scroll down for the first post, otherwise it will all be, um... backwards.

September 12

That's the date we have marked on our calendars. 
It's the official date that I hope I don't pass by, gaining a pound a minute. Baby is growing and the speedy heartbeat on the ultrasound was impressive.
So we are excited, to say the least. I am tired and a wee bit cranky but I'm managing. Eddie is no doubt counting the days until he flies to beautiful Paris, kidding! Even though it is winter, it is beautiful there. I'm sure he is bummed out about leaving, he is so excited about the new baby. Sometimes I think he trumps my enthusiasm but then I remember I am the one that is trying to hold in all the barf. 
He leaves on Monday, after spending this weekend in LA. He'll come home just long enough to enjoy Q's birthday party that was postponed due to our awesome snow storm in December. It is an  Elvis theme, so it is going to be over the top in it's own way. 
Well that's it, this post was no doubt the opposite of riveting but I'm tired and actually shocked, it's 7:30 and I'm not asleep yet. Making babies is tiring, making really, really good ones is down right exhausting.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I'm starting a blog. Is that collective "Ugh" I hear? I know, I know, it's egotistical. Whenever I read someone's I think, "why would they assume I want to read them write about themselves?" It's crazy but let's face it, none of you (that know me) have ever thought of me as sane.
So why then? Because I am suddenly to tired to do anything else but my mind hasn't slowed (yet) and I can't bare to watch cooking shows (as of this afternoon) and our other current TV selections are all crap (because I don't have Showtime, which has "Weeds" the only good show on TV... okay, I'm being dramatic, again, those of you who know me...) and to add to that, I have currently checked out a total of 87 pregnancy/baby related sites.
Oh, I forgot to tell you- I'm pregnant!
So this is a diary of sorts and you know, if it gets too boring or too graphic you can stop checking it out.