Thursday, February 19, 2009

End of an era.

So it is, a little, the end of an era for me. Being a size 7 is going by the "waist"side and I will soon be waddling around like all the rest. 
I have had a somewhat challenging first trimester but nothing compared to the first time. I was much more tired this time around and don't you know people love to point out how I am "much older" than I was with Q. Well, all of these people can suck it really. It is like telling me I am "much fatter" this time around. It has been 9 years since I was pregnant with Q and 8 since I gave birth. I don't feel "much" older, I feel more grown. I am more in tune with my body, I can practically tell when my uterus is making space for the baby. Last time it was vomit- and that was all I remember for the first three months. 
I'm totally cranky. I have the pregnancy bitchiness and you know in your twenties I think you mainly keep that to yourself, or I think I did. I didn't want to be seen as moody or irrational, god forbid unstable. But this time is different, I have no guards up. I am free to be myself. Besides, I can feel it come on like I match. I know exactly what triggers it and so (it seems) do others. Ha ha, no really. Is 32 old now-a-days? What is with that? Again, one of my triggers because I feel young. I feel really fresh and excited, I feel wise yet still wide eyed and not jaded in the least but it seems as though some folks may want me to be? Or is it in my head? Well, it's not anymore... I've come to find in your twenties people (or shall I say, older people) make you feel you are too young for everything. I was told I was too young to get married and too young to have a child. It was as though I was doing all of these things I was "too young" for and now, what's this? too old? I sure don't feel too old, I definitely don't look it. I have very good genes. 
So onto Quattro. He said the sweetest, if not saddest thing, I have ever heard the other day. He said "what if everyone forgets about me?" and then there was a really long pause- from both of us.
Ugh, it is still sad to me. I wasn't exactly caught off guard and however bad I was feeling inside, I was actually glad he asked. I was so relieved, I think. He was comfortable enough with his fear to talk about it. So many grown ups won't talk about their fears- not to mention kids. They usually just act out, right? Or internalize it all, only to open the flood gates when they are much older. It may be one of my most selfish acts but I hope I can be the one my child bounces his fears off of. I hope with Eddie and myself he becomes his true self and not this image of what he thinks he should be. That's important more so than what he wants to do when he grows up, or what kind of grades he gets- if he chooses to go to college or not. 
But that is another blog in itself.
Anyway, back to Q. 
It took me a minute to respond because I was pretty sure I was having one of "those" moments. The one your child reminds you of when they are grown. I wanted to say something that he would remember as being smart, fair even but really I wanted him to know I was honest with him, as he was being with me. 
So I took him back to when I was pregnant with him and how important my life with Eddie was. I told him I traveled constantly, packed a bag on a moments notice and hopped on a plane, how I went to loud rock shows most nights and stayed up late. I told him I was happily in love with my life and I wanted nothing to change, I just wanted to add to it. We just wanted to add to it. Eddie wanted the same as I did. He didn't want to change his ways, he didn't want to cut back on touring (ie, cut back on money), he didn't want to drive a mini van but most of all we didn't want to compromise our spontaneity. That was our bond from the second we met- we eloped, it's in our blood.
Where was I? See this is another "side-effect", I am all over the map. It took me a week to wash, dry, fold and put away ONE load of laundry. My mind is currently on strike.
So that's what I did, I took Quattro back into that time of when my life(style) with Eddie was the most important thing and no matter how much he would add to our lives, we wanted him to fit into it, we didn't want to rearrange it for him. I had a real innate fear of finally appreciating myself and my life as an adult, then suddenly changing because of a baby. I went into it knowing that I wanted to raise my child as myself, not this "parent" person I changed into. And I'm happy (and real f'n proud) that that is our reality. He didn't rearrange our lives, he brought so much more to it but the basics are all the same. The loud rock shows have him sitting there on the side of the stage, with the same headphones he wore when he was an infant. My late nights are sometimes accompanied by him either watching a movie, snacking or sometimes just reading in the same bed together. I still was able to pack him up and fly him across the world, Paris, Australia, Montreal- where ever it was that we needed to catch up with Eddie. And it is still always a need. We need to be together whether it is planned or not. Whether it is something we saved our money up for, or spent half the rent on, we're there. 
I truly believe that regret comes from looking back on the things you didn't do, not so much what you did do. Fortunately I figured that out pretty early on.
Alright, wow, that was totally long winded. 
I am nearing the end of my first trimester and I can't wait to finally meet my doctor!!
I can barely believe they would let a pregnant women go through the worst part all by herself but I guess they figure I am an old pro. It is at the same office I was in with Q, unfortunately not the same OBGYN, but I'll get over that. My doctors name is Dr. White and in my next post I'll tell you all about her. I'll have some news on my edema that has been killing me lately. Waking up with swollen hands and all of that. My BP has been normally low, 92/50 today. Q and I walk down to Bartells quite often to take it, or whenever we are at the market. He has higher BP than I do!
Take care everyone and thanks for reading.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well another week down and I think that I just may be getting the hang of this.
It was a fast week. I kept Q home on Wednesday. He had been fighting a cold for over a week and it seemed that my Mom's intuition was right (again). He was all better on Thursday.
I have taken very little of my alone time to do house work, so I'd say my house is officially a mess. Which I loathe but it's for my own (in)sanity. I am taking every second alone to nap, drink tea and read. I have had knarly migraines that seem to just pop up whenever they want, a cup of hot tea in a dimly lit room seems to help... not help the laundry but that is all secondary right now.
When does Eddie come home again?
I have started cooking, a little. We only ordered out once this past week, which was pretty damn good I think. Q is loving the easy dinners we have been having- whole grain waffles with eggs and bananas has been his favorite. He must have had it three times this week.
Eddie is in Sweden now. We have been iChating a ton, which is free so that is nice. Him and Quattro were on this morning, it is amazing how well Q can type. I think he may be faster than Eddie.
He went out and bought some baby clothes recently. It is hard to wrap my brain around that. I know it is going to happen, I know we are going to have a little baby in this house (again) but it is strange, exciting and all of that.
I read somewhere (what haven't I read?) that having a second child 6+ years after the first is very much like having a baby for the first time. I really feel that way. I feel that I am amazed again, I am concerned and in awe. The differences really freak me out. Like why am I looking pregnant already? I'm just into my 3rd month and I can't button my pants! 

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ugh. I'm. So. Sick. Bleh.....

So it's Sunday night and I am really just glad I got through this week.
It was hard.
It started as me being super tired. Eddie left on Monday evening for Europe. He will be gone until the end of February, so that in itself is tough. But Friday morning I woke up with full on morning sickness. Again. I can't explain it, other than I had it, then it was gone and now it's back.
I feel like I am being a lame, no energy to do anything that's much fun. But Q has been delightful.
He has helped keep the living room straightened and has kept his school work very organized. He's just awesome. 
I managed to show up for Art class this week, which was nice. I volunteer in Q's class and all the kids were glad to see me. I hadn't been since before Xmas break. I was glad to be awake that long. I have been taking about 2 or 3 naps a day. It is ridiculous. I never had this extreme fatigue the first time. So I am trying to cope. Which reminds me. I need to go to bed. Ha ha.
So I am what 8 or 9 weeks now? I'm hanging in there. 
Good night.