Thursday, January 22, 2009


Just so you know, this reads from the bottom up. So scroll down for the first post, otherwise it will all be, um... backwards.

September 12

That's the date we have marked on our calendars. 
It's the official date that I hope I don't pass by, gaining a pound a minute. Baby is growing and the speedy heartbeat on the ultrasound was impressive.
So we are excited, to say the least. I am tired and a wee bit cranky but I'm managing. Eddie is no doubt counting the days until he flies to beautiful Paris, kidding! Even though it is winter, it is beautiful there. I'm sure he is bummed out about leaving, he is so excited about the new baby. Sometimes I think he trumps my enthusiasm but then I remember I am the one that is trying to hold in all the barf. 
He leaves on Monday, after spending this weekend in LA. He'll come home just long enough to enjoy Q's birthday party that was postponed due to our awesome snow storm in December. It is an  Elvis theme, so it is going to be over the top in it's own way. 
Well that's it, this post was no doubt the opposite of riveting but I'm tired and actually shocked, it's 7:30 and I'm not asleep yet. Making babies is tiring, making really, really good ones is down right exhausting.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I'm starting a blog. Is that collective "Ugh" I hear? I know, I know, it's egotistical. Whenever I read someone's I think, "why would they assume I want to read them write about themselves?" It's crazy but let's face it, none of you (that know me) have ever thought of me as sane.
So why then? Because I am suddenly to tired to do anything else but my mind hasn't slowed (yet) and I can't bare to watch cooking shows (as of this afternoon) and our other current TV selections are all crap (because I don't have Showtime, which has "Weeds" the only good show on TV... okay, I'm being dramatic, again, those of you who know me...) and to add to that, I have currently checked out a total of 87 pregnancy/baby related sites.
Oh, I forgot to tell you- I'm pregnant!
So this is a diary of sorts and you know, if it gets too boring or too graphic you can stop checking it out.