Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This is rough.

I'm not much of a complainer. I mean, I am- well to those that I'm close to but I feel like I am drowning here.
It is so hot, Eddie is gone for 2 more weeks, I have a baby looming and I'm trying to keep up with my 8 year old.
Man, I am struggling a little bit.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Crab, cocktail sauce and chocolate milk.

Ya, I said it-
that's what's for dinner.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Relaxing is over

Time to get to work.
We spent the better part of our evening getting her room ready. Eddie sanded the crib and I said good bye to some lovely shoes. We felt it necessary for some of them to go- you know, so Elvis will have a place to call her own.
It's crazy the enormous amount of shoes I have, I mean really. Getting ready for this baby, I don't know if it's the hormones or what but I'm even looking at them thinking "what the hell was I thinking?". I have WAY too many shoes... alright, there's no such thing as too many but seriously I have a problem. A problem that seems to be checking itself during this pregnancy. I am being ruthless, just chucking stuff left and right. If I don't use it or need it- it's out. We have a big house but there's no room for extra stuff now that we are moving in the fourth human, along with our two dogs, two cats and walking sticks. It's just common sense I think to get rid of some things. Will I regret getting rid of anything after the birth? Probably not. I'm not big on regret. I try to teach Q to get rid of things he doesn't need or use- I try to teach him that we don't "love" things, they're just things... he's getting there. But it's true, things are just things... if I had to grab anything from my house besides my people and animals- I can't imagine what I would take... my hard drive? Or maybe my wedding video, yeah, I'd grab that. It's only three minutes long but it's hilarious.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I'm tired.
I'm really tired.
Last two nights I've felt a little bit fluish, contractions are starting to bother me too.
I am hoping I just need to take it easy and I will get back some energy soon. This last month has really been amazing, so I think I will take a day and just relax.