Saturday, June 27, 2009


Yikes. I remember this, it's all rushing back to me now. Like a flow of hot magma, searing through my chest and percolating up my throat. I'd kill a drifter to get my hands on a stack of Tums but it's late and the hotel has nothing. I'd send Eddie out searching but I am some sort of masochist tonight. I suffer for his relaxation.
I weighed myself in Manchester yesterday in a pharmacy. It spit out a slip with the wight printed on it, I was a bit relieved the machine didn't shout out the number but I am pretty proud of my weight- after all I am having a baby, not laying an egg. So I am looking at the paper and it has my weight in stones. It was awesome, you hear "stones" in movies and things but I never really knew they used the term. Well, they use it lightly because I asked the pharmacist how many pounds was in a stone and he didn't really know. Then again at the cafe, I asked the waitress and she didn't seem quite sure either. Anyway, I have gained a whopping 3 lbs on this trip. I was SHOCKED!! That's it?! I have been eating the best stuff they've got out here and everything comes with bread- it has been delicious and I just really thought I would have gained a cool 10 lbs. So I guess all the stairs I have been taking are doing their thing. My shirts are getting shorter but my pants still fit. Which is good, the shopping is great over here but it is so damn expensive. I have to think about that baby I will need to clothe in a few short months. She, on the other hand has picked up quite a collection of European duds. Hey, I have to splurge. I never wanted to go to school wearing the same thing as everyone else. Since I was young, so I am hoping to pass on the family tradition.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Less than 3 months now

It is hard to travel when you are looking down the ass end of 6 months pregnant, but I am not complaining... not too much anyway.
The braxton hicks are starting to get a little tighter than before. I remember all of this from before but it is a little nerve racking when you are out of the country. Not that I am staying up nights (for that reason) but I'm being careful, cautious. I have been trying to drink a ton of water but for some reason I have been craving coffee.
28 weeks this week, it is hard to believe I have less than 3 months. I am looking forward to the end of this but at the same time, I'm nervous. About the usual stuff I guess. The late nights, early mornings, diapers and constant feedings... sounds a little like being on tour...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Could it be?

That my clothes are shrinking?
Seems as though they are... hmmm, what to do, what to do.
I guess it's that time in the tour to start shopping?


Someone sent me the news that there are some real class acts on the bands message board talking their usual shit about a choice in baby name. I thought I should write on there and tell them all to suck it but I think I'll just say this to all that think they know what Eddie and I should name our next child... oh wait, never mind. I don't care. Go ahead and suck it.

Swollen feet that I can't shake

It's been a few days since we've been off the plan and still my feet are HUGE! I don' t know what else to do. I walk, I rub, I'm on diuretics... it just doesn't seem to help.
I brought this heart monitor that I bought from Target and it kicks ass. It's by Summer or something like that and it really works. I get to listen to Elvis everyday which is really a relief for me. I wonder, I worry and it is nice to hear that speedy drum beat whenever the mood strikes. Like this morning, the boys were asleep and I laid on the bed and listened to her swirl around and kick me- then my stomach started to growl and man is it loud on those things! So I woke up said boys and we went down to the lobby to eat. Buffets in Europe are a whole lot better than the ones in the states. We book htls based on the "free breakfast" because 9 times out of 10 it will be better than breakfast in a restaurant or similar, but cheaper and who doesn't like cheaper? esp. when you are paying these gas prices- 1.40 euros for a liter today.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Freak show.

Quattro saw these women starring at me today and he asked why they were pointing.
I wanted to say "because they are bitches", but I refrained. I mean really people. Pointing?
I don't get it, and neither did he. I told him I didn't know what the big deal was, it wasn't like anyone there was hatched from an egg. He thought that was funny.
But it got me thinking. Because I don't cover up, like wear the damn mumu's that come to mid- thigh (which, let's face it, do NOTHING for your legs except make them look short), am I asking to be pointed at? Or is it just me that makes people want to point? Either way, I really like my pregnant body and I feel I'm lucky because I could hate it, be miserable and buy those ugly mumu's.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


I'm certain my ribs are going to be protruding through my skin in the morning. Definitely tomorrow I will wake up to this horror of horrors.
Whether I am sitting down, standing up or laying down- I feel as though a dull butcher knife is making it's way through my chest, in between two ribs, twisting and turning... turning and twisting. Ugh.
But it's not all bad. I have been making some discoveries these past few nights. If I shine a flashlight onto my belly Elvis will turn around. I'm assuming to look at the light... or she could be flipping me the bird and turning her back to it. Either way, it's entertaining. Something's gotta give, my nights are boring. Quattro's asleep, the dogs and cats are asleep and Eddie is somewhere in the midwest. I remember at the end of my pregnancy with Q, we bought all the board games you could play with two people (and a few that needed more players... learning curve) and we'd sit up all night and play. Eddie would of course want to go to sleep but he didn't (mostly) and that is why I kept him around.
I miss him. This sucks, touring is hard all the time but when you are pregnant it is especially tough. Too much alone time when you are on a hormonal rollercoaster (who me?) is dangerous. I bet Eddie has some real hilarious stories of me losing my shit over the last 6 months. He'll wait until the coast is clear (when the kids are grown) before he shares them, with me, of course, but I bet they are good. I laugh at myself sometimes thinking back at my ridiculous outbursts. It is like being abducted by aliens, suddenly rational isn't necessary or even considered. 
What am I talking about? I think I just "outed" myself.
Yes, it's true. I'm human. I mean, I'm better than most but human no less.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

26 weeks

Saw the doctor today. It is the last time I will see her in Ballard. It is bittersweet- she is moving out of the hood (which makes appointments very convenient) but she is going to a better hospital, so that is what's important.
The hospital is about 4 miles from here but we're in the city so it'll probably take me 15-20 minutes in traffic. That blows, esp. when I'm going there every week, but I really like this doctor. She's worth following.
Elvis is moving around a bunch but I can tell she is getting strapped for room. She is measuring 31 weeks now, so she is right on track- but right on track means she is 5 weeks ahead of the game. Her measurements have her already in the 90th percentile, Q was born in the 100th, meaning with the percentage of babies born, he was as big they usually get. I say usually because homegirl could out do him, not that I'm too excited about that but she'll be as big as she should be and I'll muscle up and take it.
We are scheduled to have a C section around the 9th of September but we are going to play it cool and see what happens. I am good either way, as long as my doctor thinks she's safe. I don't want them to take her early, so that is the only line I draw- that and if she is still measuring off the god damn charts, I am all ready for my new scar. Beats visiting your new born in the NICU for the first 24 hours- or worse, longer. I don't want to have her go through any stress that Q went through- after all, she's a lady.
We are all really excited about her arrival but I tell ya, we really are looking forward to this summer. We all know how lucky we are and just want to go out there and eat it all up. I can't wait to get over there, in the rental car and start the journey. .. until then, we must finish up school.
Q is ending his 2nd grade year. He has had a great time, learned so much with his amazing teacher. I am SO bummed his time with her is over. She was the only one that ever felt even the least bit of a tug when I took him out of class for a trip. I feel like he is a true citizen of the world and I would like to keep it that way, but with her, I felt he might miss something special. Not that it stopped me. Being around his Dad any time he can is better than everything else, so the guilt wasn't too deep, but she is really something.
I have been feeling really tired lately. My anemia is getting me down a little. The pills are harsh but in a couple of weeks I should notice a difference. My nights aren't met with too much sleep, lots of getting up, tossing about, so dragging ass is how I spend my days. I cover it up with cute dresses, lip gloss and running a brush through my hair. It is amazing how much less like shit you feel when you glance at your reflection and it doesn't look more tired than you actually are. My hands and feet are swollen, I feel like this time it's here to stay. Mind over matter. I have 2 long flights ahead of me where Eddie will no doubt be rubbing my feet and ringing the call button for more ice- but we can manage. When I was pregnant with Q I flew to Paris, nonstop when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant, alone. It was rough- they ran out of meals on that flight... wow, that seems like so long ago. How did I not kill someone? Mind over matter.
Speaking of which. I will now shut this bad boy down and retire to my couch with a book and a cup of green tea- which will no doubt lead to a bowl of hemp granola, it's like a must.

Monday, June 1, 2009

On the road...

I wanted to say, real quick, that I will be keeping a road blog on our upcoming holiday. I'll post the link here, so if you are interested...

Week 25.

I'm a little shocked it has been so long since I've blogged. I guess things started to go good, or did they just get extremely busy? I can't say- either way, I feel great.
I am, apparently, "huge", as was said to me from a mother at school. I took it in stride until I got in the car and started to think of how lame that was. I mean, there's a purpose that we are all aware of. I know she wasn't calling me a fat ass- but really "huge"? I don't think so. I don't feel huge, I do have a rather large belly but it takes a lot of room to grow the quality type I've got going on. There are no puny Daly babies.
But I was bothered. It would be like me seeing her and saying "man, you look old". Is it okay to call me huge cause it will go away and I can't call her old because it won't?
I've been asked if I was having twins- when I was like 3 months pregnant. The chick was being dramatic because I was already showing... well I told her to suck it. I am super proud to sport this bum and even though those bitches got under my skin, it doesn't mean I really take it to heart but I do wish there was a witty, snappy response. I just say "thanks. I think." And to the twin comment, I said "octuplets"